Tuesday, September 21, 2010


“To fill our life truly is very simple. Fill it with love as much as you can give. When you want more love, give it more to some one.”

After 30 years, I understand that to have a real live, you only need to fill it with love. Indeed, love is the only true reality when we have to face on our busy life, competitiveness and misunderstanding. What ever we do in our life, ultimately we are seeking love. That’s what men to be, deep inside from our heart.

I often think about love as an emotion or a sentiment or a passion. And you know; emotion, sentiment, passion are temporary. Sometimes full of energy and changes aggressively, and one day we find our self as not the same as before. Right?
When we disappointed about something; when some one we love hurting us and we are changing. We can’t love her/him anymore. Or maybe we change what we think about love. We try not to be hurt for the second time and we are running from the reality. Is it bad? I believe this action is one of our defense mechanism to be survived in this life. Are we healed? I don’t think so.
Here is the thing and might be has forgotten because of our humanity. Love is God’s heart. Love is the ultimate experience of expression of God. And always, like God’s heart, love gives chances. Love is the truly reality. It’s the experience of unity consciousness. Love is the experiential knowledge that we are all the same being.
How is the heart? I again asked my self. How is your heart? Have you heard the sound? Or we try to close it until the sound become silent? And I again asked my self, what is the purpose of love? And like St. Augustine, I said, there is no purpose of love. Love is just it’s own reward. The more love you give, the more love you receive. Can you imagine that? And the universe will help us to get more love without asked. Of course, if we give love unconditionally.  The return is directly proportional to the giving.
I believe in so. Heart is love. As long as we give love, there is no need to worry about getting enough. It will come. It comes in the right moment we never waiting for.
Attention is the ability to listen with the totally of your being. Take time to be truly present to others instead of being distracted by your own thoughts and your disappointment. Maybe. I try my best to be fully present; some one I worked with, a friend, some one in the other of the phone or some one I love deeply though he doesn’t want to. And you know, messages about loving come to us from our heart as well as from our bodies.
Here is the challenge, for me especially. Ask my self with simple question: ”What can I give this person?”
I try to have a way of mind like this: I don’t want to be concerned with what I can get back. I just focus entirely on what I can do for him or her though what I can do is quite simple. Bring a small gift, cleaning his/her room or just say, “take care”. There is something we can offer, and giving always very powerful.
You and I are the world. When we flow the world with love, we begin to see the miracles all around us. You know what, the outer world is an expression of our inner world.
What I need, what you need, is only listen the sound of our heart.