Do you ever feel like you’re just constantly waking up to Groundhog Day? You know –today is always going to be ‘the’ day. The day that marks the beginning of your new body, your new savings plan, your fresh approach to your business or perhaps just the business of living your life. You’re geared up, you know what to do, and you’re ready to do it. For real.
But somehow, and despite the very best of intentions, you just don’t quite make it. You give in to the post-lunch sweet treat, the mid-afternoon slump gets you, your day spirals out of control and before you know it you’re hitting the sack wondering how on earth you’re ever going to get ahead and create that incredible life you know is just around the corner.
how to stop living your life on repeat!
When the achievement of an important goal or life change seems endlessly far away, I like to fall back on planning (and maybe a little dreaming).
Yup, I admit it. I’m a planner. I like to write lists. Detailed explanations to myself of how I want things to be, or what I’m going to do. I write about it, I talk about it, I think about it, sometimes it keeps me up at night, and (sure enough) eventually I even follow through and take action. Sometimes even massive action!
How about you? Are you a planner, or a dreamer, or do you just jump full force into things, make things happen and worry about the details later?
dream, plan – then do!
Both ways have their pros and cons, don’t they? The risk for planners is spending their entire life considering what they could or should do. Dreamers are in danger of never coming down from the clouds for long enough to consider what’s actually realistic. And jumpers might be getting a whole lot done but they may not have considered how in line it is with what they actually want to achieve or what they value.
I think we probably all have a little bit of each in us, don’t we?
At the end of the day, when it comes to achieving your big goals and really creating the life of your dreams, trust is crucial. Trust and confidence. I’m talking about having trust and confidence in YOU.
So do you?
Source #womanincredible