"You know what, you are really risk taker. You are in your top career now. Why you decided to quit and start up your business which, of course, could be, you can't get what you have now. Career, material, power, etc etc. And you know what, if something happen with your decision, you can't have what you have now."
I smiled. I know very well about it. Here is the thing. Yes, I made a big decision when I decided to quit from my promising job. Yes, I can't get, might be, what I have now. Yes, I must work hard and start from zero. Yes, I can't get back to work again with my previous position. Yes, might be, I can't be in comfort zone like before. Yes, might be, I can't get high salary like before. But yes. I just smiled.
When I decided to do things right now, I only have one reason. I don't want to live like a zombie. I don't want to live like a robot. I don't want to live only for my biological needs. I live for a reason why I am here. I live for a reason God created me. Then I know, I have no more reason why I work in my previous company. I have no reason why I wake up in the morning, went to the office, finished the job until night, met some friends, then back home without reason. Without something that make me excited for. Then I quit with questions :-).
I just know that every people in the world should live with their passion that God has given to us in our heart. The highest purpose. It is not only about wealthy, about happiness, etc etc. Its all about why you are here, in this world, in this country, in this community.
And I decided to live with my passion. I left many things behind, all decisions that might be make people around me disappointed. I live to enrich people around me to be a better person, to be meaningful in this world. And every day, I have different excitement thorough my days.
How about you? Have you live with passion?