Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Top 10 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Stress Level Daily When You Only Have 10 Minutes!

Too much stress can KILL or cause disease or emotional ills. This list will tell you what you can do if you only have 10 minutes to reduce your stress and be more productive and more healthy. It is geared for office and/or at home use.

1. At The Office-Find Some Peace & Quiet!
Go to a quiet area (a bathroom works, as does a basement or storage/lounge area that is infrequently used). Sit quietly (in a stall works!) and think of your favorite movie, TV show, person, or travel place. Close your eyes if alone. Just "shifting" to a very positive thought-image for ten minutes can relax you profoundly.
2. At Home-Take Your Own Quiet "Timeout."
Find the most quiet comfortable area and lie down or recline Close your eyes and listen to relaxing music & think only of things you LOVE to do, see, or experience. Allow the phone to ring or *take it off the hook!* Serious calls will always be returned, or you may choose to have voicemail or your answering machine turned on. Savor the moments and the images. Allow your muscles to relax and your eyes to rest.
3. At Home, After A Stressful Day At Work.
Take a very warm shower or bath and let the water relax your muscles. Scent the bath water if you wish. If possible, have some relaxing music in the room. Dim the lights. Light a scented candle if you wish. Let the stress dissolve into the water and be washed away by it. Imagine you are a part of the water itself. Just allow your mind & body to go "limp."
4. Meditate or Pray.
Learning how to calm the mind and body through meditation or self-relaxation or prayer is very helpful. Once learned, it can be used virtually anywhere and at any time. If you need instruction, buy a book or tape at your local bookstore on meditation, self-relaxation, etc. Keep a small book of positive affirmations of prayers near you (also sold in all major bookstores) to look at, repeat silently, or upon which to reflect.
5. Exercise (Within Reason!)
Okay, the nasty "E" word! . Seriously, 10 minutes of simple walking briskly, riding a stationary bike, Yoga, or other aerobic activity will help rid your body of alot of accumulated adrenaline-like "stress related" chemicals, You will find yourself both more relaxed and more alert after this seemingly moderate amount of activity.
6. "Hit The Road!"
If possible, take a 10 minute spin in your car in as quiet and uncongested a neighborhood as possible. If the weather is good, roll down the window and breathe in the fresh air, even if it is abit cool out! Relax to the radio music, look at the landscape, the people walking, and even the clouds in the sky (keep your eyes on the road of course!). If you feel like it, sing along with the music! It's *your* 10 minutes!
7. Take A "Chill Out" Break; Simple, And It Works!
Go to the bathroom at your home, office, or wherever you wish to take this time out. Run cold water & get a wash cloth or towels and soak them in it. Apply the cool compress to your eyes, forehead, face, and neck areas. Hold the cloth in each area several seconds, eyes closed. If you can sit down, all the better. Re-apply several times. Concentrate on the soothing effects and don't think of business or what time it is. You'll emerge more relaxed and refreshed than you might imagine!
8. Call Someone Just To Chat.
Call a parent, a spouse, a friend. Make sure when you call they have 10 minutes to talk, and tell them you are calling to *relax* and take your mind off your day. If they are not in a positive mood, say goodbye as soon as you can, and try someone else. The point is, the chat needs to be with someone who is happy to hear from you, who will not "dump" THEIR stress on you, and who you really like. Make sure to annouce up front that it is a "de-stress" call for you, but do not "dump" on *them* either. Tell jokes, talk about anything that is fun, relaxing, or interesting.
9. Get A Healthy Snack And Eat It ALONE.
Stress depletes us of vitamins, minerals, blood sugar and calories. A healthy snack like a piece of fruit, a granola bar, a glass of juice or skim milk can revive us. If eaten or drunk slowly in a quiet atmosphere (as quiet as you can find) it can recharge our emotional and physical batteries. Avoid anything with caffeine or nicotine or alcohol in it! The "sense" of relaxation those chemicals gives is either purely psychological, or temporary, and we will end up more tense later, creating *more* stress for us rather than less.
10. At Your Home Or Work Computer.
If you are not "networked" on your computer, and/or you have your own PC, take 10 minutes out to play a game of pinball, Solitaire, Textris (all or some come with Windows95) or any other game which came preloaded if your computer is fairly new, or which you can add for little cost. Make sure the games are quiet, non-violent and don't last an hour. Do NOT worry about winning or even finishing the game if it runs over your time frame. The point is to distract and have fun. Just by *playing* you are "winning." :)

Resource : Coachville