Sunday, October 31, 2010

Success is that simple as its ways!

I got a conversation with my old friends in a coffee shop few days ago. Here is the statement, "I don't understand why so difficult to be success right now. I do many things and everything seem blurt for me. No income increment, even buying a new home. For god sake!"

Phewww. I was shocked. And yes, I try to reflect my inner. Do I think the same feeling like him? Did I feel being a success person? What is the point of view about success. For god sake, I did the same thing. I saw my success with something I can give value on them. Income, popularity, status, position. All talks about result. About material. Heumm.... Is this impact of capitalism and new age? I don't know. But I started to see the success with something people put in my self: the label. 

How often we put the label to the people around us: partner, children, worker. Even our selves. Is that so difficult for us in defining the success it self? Now I understand why we sometime feel so unworthy. Sometime we push our selves or other people so hard to achieve what we call success. Then I know there is no last for the label. Time changes. People changes. The world changes. And also about the label of success. The label we give for something we do. 

I remembered how people often push me to give the label of success, like: "you are success if you become the top of the top in class", or "you are success if you can win for the competition" or "you will be called success if you can achieve billions" or "you are success wife/husband if you can make your spouse and children happy" and so on. What label they give to you? How you define the success? 
Uppss. Maybe that's why we sometime don't have enough time for being honest to our self about what we need: the real need. The real human being. Maybe that's why we can be so relax for a while just as we are. And then, we become tired. Not only our body but also our heart and soul. And we become dishonest with our selves. We become some one we don't know. The real existences.

My friend, one of the most success person (people put the label in him) told me the story. "I become exhausted when they put the label of success to me and I started to refuse the failure. I have fear about failure and it changed me to be not the real me. I worried if I can't achieve the standard and I put the standard just like I did it for my own unconsciously. I have lost my existences. And now I ignore the label. It s****. I put the success with my own definition. The simplest way. I do what I like as much I can just as me. I feel very success when I can meet new people. I feel success when I can accompany my children to do their homework or only just playing together. I feel so success when I can run for 5 km per day. I feel success when I can listen my staff about their concern. I feel the success for the very simple thing and I try not to put the label for everything I do. Just as the real human being. I don't put my success with the big thing. I try to use God's eyes to see me. He sees me without label. Just as me, not what I've done for the world. And you know what, I feel happier and more productive than before. I can be my self, no need worry for trying (failure is also the label of not being success yet) and care other people without worrying the label they will put. And I am so happy when my daughter said, "dad I love you." That's it." 

Yep! Success is very simple. When you do something and you do that with your heart, no matter how small it is and you are happy to do that (even no reward!), you have your success. Or when you face problems or conflicts in your life and you can handle them, you have your success. Or when you are as you are without trying to be somebody else, you have your success. The simple is that. 

Now, what is the success for you?