Monday, October 18, 2010

There is never very too late!

When we grow old, we think it is too late to do something we like
It is too late to love and to be loved
It is too late to start something new

It is too late to know our different world

When we are on top, we think it is too late to do something fool
It is too late to feel a crazy thing in life
It is too late to be more relax
It is too late no care about money

When we are parents, we think it is too late to do kids things
It is too late to do everything we want
It is too late to do what we like
It is too late to give pleasure for self

When we felt hurt, we think it is too late to forgive
It is too late to give a new heart
It is too late to give another chances
It is too late to be honest with our self
It is too late to get back with who we loved


It's just a reflection of me as human being

Have we give another chances?
Have we forgive our self and others?
Have we open our heart to start a new thing we haven't done before?
Have we try to take challenges without say "it is too late" ?

It's just questions for my self

Here is the thing, like He said

There is never very too late......

Never very too late to forgive
Never very too love and to be loved
Never very too late to try new things
Never very too late to be succeed
Never very too late to give our self and others chances
Never very too late to be more relax
Never very too late to be happy
Never very too late to appreciate our self and people around us
Never very too late to give your shoulder to people who cried
Never very too late to ........ (just give your own words)

And yes..... I try to say.... never very too late to..... 

How about you?