Thursday, September 30, 2010

Implementing Talent Management in Your Organization

There is a new euphoria in our organization in the world and Indonesia is a part of this trend. Talent management.
This is what I see. Many organizations try to implement this approach without considering the organization strength within. This is the question they’ve asked, “do we need to implement talent management approach in our organization? Because we have used competency management approach in running our human capital.” And I answer no. As long as we do the approach consistent and integrated, we only need to justify it into the new platform. So you don’t need to start from zero.

This is the key. Talent is not restricted to particular grades or area of responsibility. It appears at all work levels and in all functions. Talent management is not a ‘nice to have’ or coincidental benefit but something that has to be worked for, planned and given executive attention. And talent management should be treated as holistic endeavor and from operational perspective; there is always a need to find a balance and return. This is what we call risks. 
For most executives, risks can be described under two headings – financial risk and political risk. The risks lie in implementing a talent management strategy.
1. Financial risk
The financial risk is that the investment will not produce a positive or measureable return. The programs and strategy do require some investments. The majority of the investment can be quantified but how should it be justified?
2. Political risks
The political risk is that the proposed investment and strategy will not produced the proposed benefits and that those responsible for advocating them will be penalized.

For implementing talent management strategy in organization, there are some factors we need to put inside: competency management system and individual profile system. We should integrate those factors first before going to the next circle of human capital.

Job Competency + Job Profile
Individual Competency + Individual Profile

In competency management system, we can get a framework what skills, knowledge and attitude needed for the job. We can create a job competency model from scratch or validated by an existing model. In individual profile system, we can have an appropriate portrait of our people; their strengths & weaknesses, potentialities, job attitude, self -orientation and so on. Talent management integrates those factors to get big picture between man and the job so we can ensure they who work in a position will enjoy with the work, more productive, increasing employee engagement scale and more revenue for organization.
Here is the example of job competency and job profile we can use in validating people fitness in organization: 

This is the fact. Talent management strategy is corporate strategy. When implemented it will apply to all areas of the organization and there will be manifestation of its impact in different functions, departments or units. So, what is the strategy in implementing talent management system in our organization? One of the strategies we can do in best practices is doing talent assessment. This will help us to find our talent pool that will be valuable for our part in career development and organization future.
There are some tools we can use in doing talent assessment; psychological test, personality assessment, attitude assessment, motivation orientation assessment, job competency assessment, etc. Those tools will help us to give a brief picture about our talent; not only about their skill and abilities, but also talks about career advancement, self - development and alignment with corporate strategy (orientation, motivation and attitude).
At the end, implementing talent management system will help your organization to:
·      Reduce staff turnover levels
·      Make it easier to attract high caliber staff
·      Increasing productivity and company revenue
·      Provide a basis for a structured training programs
·      Focusing organization in developing talent
·      Have a future leader from within