Monday, January 3, 2011

Truly Friend

Sometimes and often we are not aware that there is some one who prays for you everyday for your good, some one who cares without asking, some one who will give his/her shoulder when you cry. Yes, they are your truly friend. And they don't need much words to express what they feel about you.

I never imagine that one of my close friend long time ago just contacted me and for sure with a unique conversation. Here was he said, "Hi, I've been trying to look for you many times and thanks God I got it." Then I smiled. He continued, "anyway, the reason is suddenly you popped up in my dream... might be twice...that you have serious condition.... bla bla bla..."

How I surprised with his conversation, what he dream about.... Yes I know, we are connected with prayers. I remembered how often we pray for our friend each night in that time, for their own good.... Yes, we haven't met yet since 8 years ago but I felt so glad that nothing can separate us with our truly friend, no limit for the time or space... And I see how God uses our beloved friend, family to pray for ours.

Beautiful, isn't it? This make me more believe that God has reason why He put away what we like/love most then He give them back again in His time. Yes, Because He knows that we don't really need it right now or because we put them in our heart more than we put Allah in our heart.

Yes. You remind me the lyrics of song created few times ago.

So many times we fight coz' of our ego
But we know 'need each other
That you're my truly friend
Some one I need to share about
Knows everything without saying
Coz God is in us