Friday, June 24, 2011

Have you found your true love?

Deep inside in our heart, we always give a question :"have we found our true love?"
I do. But, how do we know that we have already found the true love?
You know that many people say they can't find the true love but true love can find them. Is that true? 
What do you think?

This will be a short comment and idea.

I don't know you. I do. I have found my true love. Like or not, this is it. No matter how hurt or how far, I do love that person. Do I have a reason to love and be loved? I don't. Here is what I understand. You can choose someone to be loved but you only can love one person in the whole of your life. And yes, he/she is your true love. 

When you are calculating things; their kindness, physical attraction, wealthy, personality, status, etc so I can say that your love is not your true love. It is real love. You love some one because of measurable reason. So, when he/she do things you don't expect, you become disappointed, hurt then you decide to leave him/her.

Again, I try to understand the true love in many years. And in many situations, it is real love.

And this is the fact when you find your true love :
  • You can be as your self; without mask
  • You will be loved unconditionally for the person you are
  • You can love him/her for exactly he/she is
And this is one of the secret : you must truly love and respect yourself from the bottom of your heart, and do it before you find the someone of your dreams

Happy Saturday!